Everyone makes New Years Resolutions, whether they make a conscious effort to record them or not.
In 2012 I would like to:
Get Organized
When I'm unorganized, I can't get anything done. Looking at clutter makes me anxious. Being so busy with all that is life, I'd like to organize my place (and mind) in a way that allows me to focus on what needs to be done.
Be More Outgoing
It may come as a shock to
you (or maybe it doesn't, I don't know) but I am a shy person. Always
have been, but hey, hopefully I can overcome that.
Get Organized
When I'm unorganized, I can't get anything done. Looking at clutter makes me anxious. Being so busy with all that is life, I'd like to organize my place (and mind) in a way that allows me to focus on what needs to be done.
Eat Healthy
Lately, I've been eating
whatever is quick and easy. I would like to set aside more time to cook
and bake. I enjoy coming up with my own creations, I just usually
don't have the energy to do so on a regular basis.
Finish School
One more course left, woohoo! I think I'll ace it... it's Vegetarian Nutrition and I've been vegetarian for nearly 13 years ;) Can't wait to be done. What will I do when I'm done? Who knows... that's another thing I have to figure out...
Spread the Word
Lots of changes are coming... sponsors, new website, tons more blog posts with reviews, information, products, restaurants, and giveaways! I would like Gluten-Free Ontario to continue to grow and be successful.
In closing, here's a quote from a very pretty song:
Take a good look around,
Enjoy the beauty of now,
You don't need to hurry,
You'll miss the meaning of life.
Did you make resolutions?
What are they?